1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 6.47PM
Name: Jessica
Sisters: 3
Brothers: 3
Shoe size: 4/5
Height: 160cm[ok..I know I'm Short!!!]
Where do you live: Ipoh
Favourite drinks:Milo!!! Yogurt!!!
Favourite breakfast:Umm..Cintan Mee?
Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes.
Swam in the ocean: NO!!!
Fallen asleep at school:Yes..
Broken someone's heart: Donno..
Fell off your chair: NO!! It's embarassing!!!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No..
Saved e-mails:No..
What is your room like: DIRTY!!!
Who is right beside you: NO ONE~
What is the last thing you ate:Bread..
Ever had chicken pox:No..Not yet..I'm still young!![perasan~]
Sore throat:No..
Stitches:I don think so..
Broken nose: No..
Do you believe in love at first sight:No..
Like picnics:No..
Who was, were the last person you danced with:My Dancing members..
Last made you smile:My Ounni..
You last yelled at:My Classmates..(i'm A Class Rep.!!!U can't blame me!!)
Today did you:-
Talk to someone you like:Yeah..
Kissed anyone:No..
Get sick:No..
Talk to an ex:I've never been in love,Dude..
Miss someone: No..
Eat:Of Course..
Best feeling in the world:-
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: U mean Plushies?I got a lot..I sleep with them everyday..
What's under your bed:Nothing..
Who do you really hate:No one..
What time is it now?: 6.57pm
Is there a person who is on your mind now:Otak kosong..
Do you have any siblings:Yeah..
Do you want children: Maybe..
Do you smile often:Yes!!
Do you like your hand-writing:No!!!
Are your toe nails painted: No..
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:My Parents..
What color shirt are you wearing now:White background with pink patterns..
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: watching tv..
I can't wait till:To grow up..
When did you cry last:Forgotten..
Do you have any pets: Yeah..(4 doggie-dongs)
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: No feeling..what U mean?i don understand..
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you:Yeah..Important..She's My Ounni..
Do you sleep with the TV on?:No..
What are you doing right now?:Replying this tag..
Have you ever crawled through a window?:No..
Can you handle the truth?:Depends..
Are you too forgiving?:I'M not FORGIVING!!!
Are you closer to your mother or father?:Both!!
Who was the last person you cried in front of?:Forgotten..
How many people can you say you've really loved?:All at one shot!!-I love U,Family!!
Do you eat healthy?:Donno..I don Think So..
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?:I don have ex!!!
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?:Anytime U wanna make me cry..
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?:My Ounni..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?:Quiet..
Are you confident?:Yeah..
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. In Kindergarden..
2. Learning ABC..
3. Like to day-dream..
4. Love playing barbie doll..
5. Having fun most of the time..
5 things on my to-do list today:
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. sweets!!!
2. sweets!!!
3. sweets!!!
4. sweets!!!
5. sweets!!!
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Shopping!!!
2. Shopping!!!
3. Shopping!!!
4. Give lotsa MONEY to my parents..
5. Bring them go travel wherever they want..
5 of my bad habits:
1. Too quiet..
2.Too Lame..
3. waste money..
4. Sot-sot dei ar..
5. Chi-sin ar..
5 places I have lived in:
1. Ipoh..
2. -
3. -
4. -
5 jobs I've had:
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
5. -
5 people I tag:
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
5. -
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